Do you offer half shares?

Unfortunately, we are temporarily not offering half shares for the 2025 season.

Do you offer exchanges at pickups?

We do not offer exchanges at pickups. If members prefer to have more control over what they receive, we recommend shopping at the Peoria Riverfront Market or on our Online Store.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes, we offer a payment plan for Peoria or Groveland pickups. $275 due at time of sign up and $275 due at first pickup.

What if I can't make a pickup?

The easiest way is to ask your neighbor or a friend to pick it up for you. But if you contact me a week in advance or more, we can plan to give you a double share on an agreed upon date.

Miss a pickup?

Contact your pickup coordinator ON THE DAY OF YOUR PICKUP and they will accommodate a pickup for you. If you do not reach out by the end of the pickup day, your share will be forfeited.

Who is the CSA model best for?

The CSA model is not for everyone. In the spirit of having everyone on the same page before beginning this journey, you should have an idea of what kind of people the CSA is best for:

1. People who are willing and able to put in time to cook.

If you already find yourself not eating many vegetables or not cooking very often, you may find it difficult to get through all of the produce in a week. For some, it is a lot of food and sometimes more to cook than one can handle. However, if you love vegetables and to cook you will have no problem getting through your share every week. It all depends on where you're at AND the amount of effort you are realistically able and willing to put in. 

2. People who want to try new vegetables.

There are some crops we grow that you can't even get in the store. Therefore, I send out e-mails each and every week to help guide members through different items by giving them recipes or information on how to cook them.

Additionally, because every share is seasonal, the items are always changing and you may not always have time to plan your whole week of meals. A willingness to improvise is necessary and will help you get the most out of the experience. 

3. People who simply want to eat healthier.

I've known many friends and family members who desperately look for the next new diet to try next in order to lose weight or feel better. I strongly believe that the real answer is to simply put quality food into your body. That is, SUPER fresh food that is grown in healthy soils by someone you can trust. Also, adding more diversity to your diet can help drastically. The CSA is great for giving you the opportunity to add diversity to what is going into your gut.

4. People who want to save money.

CSA members received an average of 20% savings on vegetables compared to shopping at our booth at market.

5. People who are willing to put in a little more effort to achieve maximum benefit from this amazing produce.

Compared to the grocery store, the CSA is not as convenient. You DO have to remember to show up every week. You DO have to be willing to cook more than you might be used to. And you DO have to make a separate trip each week to pick up your vegetables from your pickup location. While this is a small price to pay for all the benefits of eating quality vegetables, it is something to be aware of BEFORE signing up. 

Again, this list is to bring everyone's expectations to the same place. The CSA model is absolutely fantastic for those wanting to learn more about food, cooking, farming, and themselves. It is also excellent for those who simply like cooking and want some quality vegetables to cook with. If you're unsure whether the CSA is for you, feel free to contact us at downriverfarm@gmail.com for any concerns. Also, feel free to simply continue supporting us at market or on our Online Store. For some people, the opportunity to choose what vegetables to buy is worth the extra cost. I think the CSA model is the best way to connect with the extremely fertile soils of Illinois and enjoy some healthy food at the same time!

I'm not yet sure if the CSA is right for me…

That is OK! We ultimately want our customers to be satisfied. For folks who have specific vegetable likes and dislikes, we recommend just purchasing from us at market OR buying a farm card which can be used at market or on our Online Store but also will save you some money. Additionally, we offer week-by-week shares which are larger than a CSA share and are offered each Sunday on our Online Store for pickup at our pickup points or for home delivery.

Shannon Halford

Shannon Halford is a practicing web designer, brand strategist and creative director who was raised by the river and married by the mountains. The work balances natural beauty with intuitive function and shibui sensibility, creating unforgettable experiences with world class brands. The studios are located just west of the Illinois River in the heart of the American Midwest.


The Benefits of Community Supported Agriculture